Anastasia Prokonova
1990 – 1996 – Art education at Odesa children's art school № 1
1996 – 2003 – Artistic lyceum named after Kostandi
From 2001 – 2005 illustration of magazines, brochures, posters, booklets of public organizations aimed at highlighting such negative issues as human trafficking, domestic violence, and also explaining the rights of people living with HIV, hygiene, etc.
2004 – 2010 Odesa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Buildings and facilities architecture, Odessa / Specialist’s Diploma
Major «Buildings and facilities architecture»
Diploma thesis defended in 2010 / Diploma thesis with honours. Topic: Airport in Odessa (Technologic, hotel facilities, transport junction)
Holding art trainings, Mural painting
From 2008 architect’s assistant, architect
From the moment of its creation to the present day. (I write briefly about musical and cultural events)
Participation in competitions:
the 19thReview-competition of diploma projects of architecture schools of Ukraine (Lviv) 2010
Diploma of the 1stcategory for the diploma thesis “Airport passenger terminal in Odesa”
Participation, special award in designers competition organized by Domus Academy and New Academy of Fine Arts (NABA). Milan – April 08, 2011 – May 25, 2011
Participation, winning the competition of the Fund «People of the future» for the best design of initiative «3D-Project: Dумай! Dій! Dопомагай! (Think! Do! Help!).» April 18, 2011 – May 04, 2011
Organization and participation in body art competition “the Dream of the East” in the bar-restaurant MARRAKESH – August 01, 2010
Participation in GRANT UART-2013 and works publication in the feed of the project UART on Facebook as a participant.
Works publication in the feed of the community Digital artists exhibition "NO WAR" on Facebook – 2014.
Personal exhibition: “In search of equilibrium” - All-Ukrainian center of Bulgarian culture, 2005
Personal exhibition: “Silhouettes” - “Vykhod” Club 2006
Collective exhibition within the frameworks of the project “Support and development of contemporary culture and art” in the museum named after Bleshchunov, 2005
Participation in art exhibitions within the frameworks of international Grinovsk festival in 2011 and 2012
Participation in four exhibitions of the project “Seasons” 2012:
“Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter”.
Collective art exhibition of National University “Odessa Academy of Law” 2012
Collective art exhibitions “Seasons” 2013: “Spring”, “Summer”
“Seasons” project was organized by the welfare fund “AVE”, holds – “The Future” fund (“A house with an angel”) at the address: 51 Pushkinska str. in 2012.